Spoons, New Beginnings & Woodcarving
Spoons are symbols of new beginnings …
…from a baby’s first bite to a woodcarver’s first foray. When someone is interested in learning to carve wood, they’ll often choose to start with a spoon. So much learning goes into the art form: wood selection, tool usage, curing, and even history. Form and function are explored. Risk-taking is involved. The end result? Never again looking at a tree or piece of wood in the same way.
Because it’s such a popular pursuit right now, the best woodcarving teachers are in high demand. We’ve been fortunate to regularly host several of them, including Brian Keogh and Erik Vevang, who have supported our mission since day one.
And now, thanks to Brian and Erik vouching for us, we’re humbled to be hosting high-profile carvers Fred Livesay and Liesl Chatman. Fred and Liesl have taught throughout the region, the U.S., and internationally.
Now is the time to take a woodcarving class. Discover the joys and challenges of carving, and start down the path to new beginnings.

October & November Woodcarving and Woodworking Classes
10/21-10/22: Advanced Spoon Carving with Fred Livesay
11/12-11/13: Foundations of Kolrosing with Liesl Chatman
11/12: Open Carving Session with Brian Keough (Free!)
11/11-11/13: Build a Wooden Paddle (Session 1)
11/11-11/13: Build a Wooden Paddle (Session 2)
11/19: Beginning Spoon Carving with Erik Vevang
Check out more Carving and Paddle Making classes in December!