
Alex Yerks

Alex Yerks is a self-taught traditional wood carver focused on what he calls items of “kitchenalia” or “kitchen sloyd.” His wide range of expertise in making traditional craft objects includes hewn bowls, spoons & utensils, cups, shrink pots, wooden sculptures, forging his own carving tools, and helping other tool makers design long-lost tools – some…

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Alycen Brothen

Alycen Brothen is an embroidery and rug hooking artist from Minnesota.  She is a passionate learner of handcrafts who has been needleworking since childhood.  She believes in embracing the process, turning mistakes into happy accidents, and having fun. 

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Alydia Downs

Alydia Downs is originally from Marine on Saint Croix and is happy to be back teaching locally.  She completed her bachelor’s degree from UW-La Crosse in Art and Archaeology and will be completing her MFA from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in Blacksmithing and Metalsmithing after a semester in Sweden this coming fall.  Alydia has shown…

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Amanda Lane

Amanda Lane

Amanda Lane has been getting her hands dirty for over 20 years, working in garden centers and greenhouses throughout Minnesota. Specializing in houseplants, annuals, and succulents, her passion for plants runs deep. With her solo venture, Collectively Unearthed, Amanda has been teaching hands-on classes with a focus on community, creating connections, and unearthing the inner…

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Annabella Sardelis

Annabella Sardelis

Annabella Sardelis is a multidisciplinary artist and designer whose working mediums include calligraphy, natural dyes, and textiles. In 2013 she founded INDIGO & SNOW, an atelier dedicated to sustainable design in the Twin Cities. Her focus aesthetically is on the creation of functional items, and seeing the beauty in utility, specializing in hand-dyed and painted…

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Barbara Behnke

I have been playing with colors and fibers my whole life.  I began sewing when I was very young, knitting in 4th grade.  I have done most very craft that requires fiber of some kind. The Shirret Rug has intrigued me for many years, making something useful out of cast-off wool fabric is so satisfying.  

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Barbara McAfee

Barbara McAfee

Barbara is a master voice coach, singer/songwriter, author and speaker. She is the author of Full Voice: The Art and Practice of Vocal Presence and has eight CDs of mostly original music. In 2007, she founded the Morning Star Singers, a volunteer comfort choir that sings for people facing illness, end of life, depression, or grief. Learn more at…

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Becky Utecht

Becky raises sheep and makes fiber art, specializing in feltmaking. Using the wool from her flock of sheep, she creates two- and three-dimensional felt art pieces including wall art, garments, accessories, rugs, and vessels. Felting combines her love of animals and nature with her passion for art. She enjoys teaching and sharing the magic of…

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Beth Mercer

Beth Mercer

Beth is largely self taught band weaver (using books and online videos) through she has benefited by taking classes from visiting instructors and participating in special interest groups at the Weavers Guild of Minnesota. She is a retired database administrator who has a passion for fiber arts including wool processing and spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing…pretty…

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Bill Voedisch

Instructor:  Bill Voedisch Age 79, have played bridge for 65 years, competitive duplicate bridge for 57 years.  Earned ACBL Life Master status in 1980.  Currently a Diamond Life Master with 5,700 master points, the 29th ranked player in Minnesota.  Sectional, Regional and District championships too numerous to mention, both pairs and teams.  Have been a…

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Brennan Johnson

Brennan’s fascination with food culture and history was catalyzed by a trip to Western Europe in 2009 to study communal brick ovens. He began baking bread soon after, baking out of his father’s own brick oven and selling at local farmers markets during his high school summers. He has a degree from Whitman College in…

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Brian Keogh carves a spoon

Brian Keogh

Brian Keogh was first exposed to woodcarving from his dad, Bob Keogh. Funny thing was, Brian had no interest in carving when his dad was alive, but for the past 10 years he has been carving spoons from green birch. Brian enjoys cycling in the summer and nordic skiing and saunas in the winter.  He and…

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Bryce Johnson

Bryce Johnson has been baking bread since he was a teenager and has been teaching bread classes for 10 years. In 2010, he guided the church where he served as pastor, White Bear Lake United Methodist Church, to build a community bread oven.  In retirement he has been making and selling bread at the Scandia…

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Cami Andersen

Cami Andersen (she/her) is a librarian and crafter located in North St. Paul, MN. She was born and raised in Brainerd, MN, and draws inspiration from the “Up North” lifestyle and nature aesthetics, as well as her undergraduate experiences living in Sweden. Her primary crafts include cross-stitching, Bargello embroidery, and bookmarks made of recycled books…

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Candace LaCosse

With an eclectic professional background in journalism, education, and art, Candace fell in love with shoemaking several years ago and has been making them and other leather accessories since. After apprenticing with shoemakers around the country, she opened her shop, Hemlocks Leatherworks, in the Lincoln Park Craft District in Duluth, Minnesota. She currently teaches and…

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Carl Wegener

Carl Wegener is a photographer from the St. Croix River Valley. He has taught photography to children for 4-H and the Wilder Foundation. His passion is empowering children with photographic knowledge so they can see the world through a different lens which will last a lifetime.

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Carol Stec

Carol Stec

Carol is a lifelong crafter. She learned to sew, knit, and crochet as a child and has shared her knowledgewith fortunate co-workers and friends for decades. In addition, Carol has developed and constructed herown patterns in all three categories. She has found her background in health care to be beneficial inteaching, as it cultivated patience,…

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Carrie Katzenmeyer

Carrie Katzenmeyer is an enrolled member of the White Earth Nation and a Norwegian mixed artist living locally in Minnesota. Carrie is painting for storytelling and fun. She is a lover of animals, the environment and old houses.

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Carson Gross

Carson is a wild-food enthusiast and educator. His fascination with fungi began in Western Pennsylvania, when a friend showed him a bright orange chicken-of-the-woods mushroom. He was immediately hooked and set out to learn everything he could about foraging for mushrooms, an obsession that continues to today. Carson joined the Western PA Mushroom Club in…

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Cathryn Peters

Cathryn Peters

Cathryn Peters, based in Hudson, WI, has been teaching chair caning and basketry for over 40 years across the country at basketry conventions, folk schools, woodworking schools and online. Peters enjoys passing on these heritage crafts and loves watching the creative juices flow with students in her classes. Cathryn is a founding member and two-term…

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