Fearless Writing in Journaling – Saturday, October 26, 2024

Oct 26, 2024 10:00AM—1:00PM


Marine Mills Folk School, 550 Pine St., Marine on St Croix, MN 55047

Cost $80.00

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Fearless Writing - Lisa Martin

Journaling, travel writing, sketching and photography can be used to help craft any form of poetry, prose, fiction, fantasy or memoir. Fearless writing practices silence the inner critic and help you be present for whatever needs to come to the page. Lisa will share how her decades of journaling and travel writing have been essential to cultivating her own creative wisdom, publishing her first book THE THIRD SPRING: Poetic gratitudes on a journey of renewal in a post-pandemic world, and completing her memoir The Zihua Diaries.


Learn to trust your writer’s mind and cultivate a regular habit of stillness, observation and reconnection with your muse – no matter your location, experience level or genre. Using love and curiosity as your most guiding elements, you will cultivate your writer’s voice and strengthen your practice.  


We will discuss why we write, obstacles we believe we face, and then dive in and free-write. Weather permitting, we will journey outside to write, sketch, or take photos, and create some compelling writing samples to take home. This course also offers insights into the immersive creativity retreats she’s offering in Zihuatanejo, Mexico this winter, and in other inspiring locations.


Contact her at 715-494-9309 / lisabmartin006@gmail.com if you wonder if this class is right for you.

Students are asked to bring:

  • Student are requested to bring a notebook, pen and/or favorite writing medium (laptop or tablet).
  • We highly recommend you bring a lunch as this class does go over the lunch hour. If you need to buy lunch, you can do so at these local businesses. Covered beverages only at the table, students are welcome to take breaks to eat away from the work area.

Skill Level
No experience needed. Prior experience with any type of needlework will be helpful but not necessary.

Age Requirement
Students ages 18 and older are welcome to attend this class.

Location Details
Marine Mills Folk School
550 Pine St., Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047

Cost Details
Tuition: $80
Materials Fee: $0
Total Cost: $80

NOTE: Be aware we may cancel class if a minimum number of registrations is not reached. We work to balance teachers’ need to plan for a class with students’ busy schedules — not an easy task. Please register as early as possible!

If interested, please click here to review our cancellation policies.